Monday, February 16, 2009

The Needed Support

Greetings to each of you. Thank you for your continued support and prayer for Dad. It means everything(literally) to him and to all of the family. I do not think anyone has a true understanding of how far and wide the support for Dad is reaching, but I know of, and have heard stories of people who have never met Dad gathering together to pray for his healing. And they continue to pray for his recovery. Of course, if that is what people who have never had the privilege of meeting Dad are doing, you can imagine what those who know him well are up to...and of course you may be one of them! =)

Dad continues to make progress in his recovery. He is alert and aware (maybe too aware) of what is going on around him. Physically, he seems sound, although he has understandably lost strength from being laid up in a hospital bed for two and half weeks. He is regaining strength though. He has had some good Physical Therapy sessions and the therapists are pleased with his attitude and progress. It is important that he gets good nutrition, so we have had to decide to make some adjustments in how he is getting his food.

At this time I ask you to put yourself, if you have not already, in Dad's shoes. Can you imagine the frustration? the anger? the sadness? the boredom? the bitterness? the restlessness? the exhaustion, the way his body must feel? I cannot, but I know all of those feelings are there. Especially now as he comes to understand fully what has happened. Why do I bring this up? Because many people ask how they can help. The best answer whatever way you feel comfortable or are moved. I ask you to offer encouragement to Dad, such as a short visit with you being a 'cheerleader' and even talking about other things than him and his situation. The greatest thing any of us can do is praying for him - his health and spirit.

Thank You and God Bless!

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