Sunday, February 01, 2009

My Dad

My dad had brain surgery for a brain aneurysm on Thursday in Ohio. We were planning on going, but did not because of the weather. He came through the surgery well, but began to develop complications late Thursday. We thought it was due to swelling but I found out late Saturday night that the doctors fear he may of had a stroke. He is conscious, but very tired. He cannot talk and has no movement on his right side. He has had at least 6 CAT scans. He is not getting worse, but not better either. At this time they are not sure what is causing his complications. Could be a stoke, could be from his brain swelling. Late yesterday and continuing through today he is having small facial seizures.

We left late yesterday and arrived today. We will be here at least through tomorrow.

We would apprieciate your prayers.

Thank you,
Joe and Melissa

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