Wednesday, February 04, 2009

My Dad (2/3/09)

Today was my dad's first full day being intubated. It is very scary to see him in such a state.

There is not much news to report. They have brought his brain function (the amount of electric signals being sent) down to the low levels they want. The bad news for the day was that at about noon he began to develop a fever and had fluid in his lungs. The risk of infection is high and dangerous. His fever at the time was 102. They gave him Tylenol, ice packs under his arms and later a cooling blanket. By 9pm or so his temp was down to about 100.

The plan is to leave him intubated until Thursday morning. On Thur they will start to let the meds wear off to see if he is still having seizures. If he is they will keep him sedated for longer.

Melissa and I decided to come home today. We have school stuff to take care of and Melissa and Addison both have doctors' appointments. I am going to look into flying back to be there Thursday.

Thank you for your prayers and kind words. My step-mom continues to be strong thanks to your prayers.

1 comment:

JanSKay said...

Please know Jim is in our prayers as well as your whole family. I know you probably don't know our names, but we went to school with Jim. Mike was in his class and I was a year behind them both. Just wanted to tell you that you have our support in prayer.
God Bless.
Janis and Mike Kay