Sunday, February 08, 2009

Germanic Invasion

Today, Sunday, was another day of steady improvement for Dad. Early in the morning, as the nurse checked him, he showed increased signs of alertness. He opened his eyes, raised his right arm and was able to track with his eyes. Later in the day he was able to squeeze Missy's hand and again move some body parts. To say we are encouraged and uplifted would be an understatement.

The nurses had to give him some light sedatives to keep his body calm as he recovers. Every four hours or so, they can shut those sedatives off to check his progress.

Dad had many visitors today and that is a great source of encouragement to the family. I believe he can hear the voices in the room and while he might not remember everyone being there, the positive atmosphere around him definitely aides in his recovery.

The hospital has been great to us. We bring an army of visitors each day and are constantly questioning the nurses and doctors about what they are doing. The sad reality of being there day after day is that we see many of the same families day after day. Being a speciality floor, we are all going through the same 'trauma' together. Well last night it took a turn for the bizarre. Late in the evening three Amish women showed up. They were in the waiting room with us, which has two TV's on. They could not figure out how to turn it off, so they asked us. Then today, the waiting room was packed with Amish folks. We lost our claim to the only table in the room, much to the dismay of my crossword solving grandmother, Nanny. She was even ready with two pencils today! =)

Thank you for your prayers and positive support through this ordeal. It is exactly how Dad would respond. Focus on the positive and take it one hole at a time!


Anonymous said...

Dear Melissa, Jim and Family,

I'll never forget hearing Jim share his testimony several years ago, and again more recently at a Rotary meeting. His message of faith was touching and powerful.

As you face this dreadful ordeal, Richard and I pray daily that you all continue to experience the amazing gift of God's strength and comfort, and that Jim will once again experience His healing power.

Once when I was terribly ill during a bout with cancer, I remember worrying because I felt too weak and sick even to pray. A dear friend said, "Don't worry about praying right now. We will all do it for you until you're better and stronger."

That one statement was such a special gift ~ one that I'd like to pass on. Please remember that hundreds of people who truly care are lifting you all up in prayer ~ and will continue to do so until Jim is well again.

In His Love, Mona

Tom said...

Thanks so much for keeping all those who care for Jim, Melissa and the entire family up-to-date on Jim's progress. We look forward to the posts each day and can hear the hope in your voice through the text that you write. Jim is definitely one of the good guys and more people than you know are pulling for him to come through this ordeal healthier, stronger and more ornery than ever!

We pray for God's gift of strength and healing for Jim and that all of you feel surrounded by the hope and love being sent your way by the countless many who lift you up each day.

May God bless you and your family,
Tom, Valerie and Alex Cox