Now, do not let me lead you astray. As many know and as has been reported hear at Canney Family, Dad has been talking for a week or two. Tonight, however, was my first time talking to him as he was well enough to use the phone. Our conversation was short. It was mainly me blabbing excitedly about various things that are going on in my life. I was surprised to hear from him and just rambled about anything that popped into my mind. One funny exchange occurred towards the end of our conversation. I told him that it was good to hear his voice. He responded by saying "It is good to get my voice out." I thought at the time that it was an interesting and telling statement.
There is more good news to report. It was actually the reason for Dad's call. He has been moved from his recovery room to a rehab room! He will do his rehab at Riverside. This is the moment we have been waiting for. The time in which the active and visible recovery can begin. The answer to many prayers! Dad is also able to swallow. He ate three 'real' meals today! It has been four weeks and one day since his last meal of actual food.
Now is a great time to offer your encouragement to Dad. Day in and day out, the experts will be working to get Dad home. Let us all join together in prayer and support to make it happen!