Wednesday, July 14, 2010

S.T.U.P.I.D. L.I.E.S.

Many a folk with a theological bend to them will be familiar with TULIP, the five points of Calvinism. Well come to find out, according to one of my students, I too have an acronym that nicely sums up 'my' theology. I guess it can be affectionately called the ten points of Canneyism. Again those familiar with the reformer John Calvin will know that the five points were not derived by Calvin himself, but rather those opposed to him. I will let the reader decide if my student was opposed to what he thought summed up my Biblical teachings.

S - service appropriateness
T - total depravity
U - unconditional election
P - perseverance of the saints
I - irresistible grace
D - downstream decision making

L - limited atonement
I - irrefutable logic
E - everyone unloved
S - submission servitude

1 comment:

Joe said...

I am commenting my own on blog on behalf of Mister Josiah Clark whose favorite point of Canneyism is "D" - downstream decision making.