Thursday, December 04, 2008

Pendulums and Wedding Dresses

In a recent conversation with some friends I lamented the fact that the modern church has become more and more casual in the attire of its members. This can be seen with adults, but especially with children. It concerns me with children because the message is that church is a casual place that deserves no reverence and that anything goes.

Where did the casual influence come from? I believe from two places. First, the world...specifically the business world. Work has become more and more casual and unfortunately the church has followed 'suit'. The other influence is a religious one. Modern church leaders place a heavy emphasis on a person's heart. It is the inside that matters, not the outside they tell us. God is concerned with heart issues, not with designer clothes. While I believe God starts with the heart, it is out of our hearts all things flow. That is why foul language is is a pipeline to the anger and bitterness in a person's heart.

In Matthew 23 Jesus said...
25"Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You clean the outside of the cup and dish, but inside they are full of greed and self-indulgence. 26Blind Pharisee! First clean the inside of the cup and dish, and then the outside also will be clean.

So Jesus the inside matters, but the outside does too. I believe that our clothes should reflect the condition and attitude of our heart...and often they do. Black at a funeral comes to mind. When the Saints gather to worship God on Sunday there is significance in the day. It is important. God is gathering with us and that deserves our respect. Our clothes should reflect the importance of what we are doing at church.

Often people are concerned that if visitors come in they will feel out of place if they are not dressed correctly. Specifically if they are underdressed. But I would contend that how they are treated will be the greatest factor in whether they feel welcomed to come back the next week.

There is also a concern of people faking it..dressing up for church, but being crummy on the inside. My response is that God never jumps at a pump fake. He is not fooled and usually His children aren't either.

So the pendulum has swung from formal to informal. While I do not believe church should be super-formal, I think that most modern churchs are way too informal. But does it matter? I obvoiusly think it does and I think the illustration of a wedding perfectly relates how I feel. For our wedding, Melissa wore a beautiful white wedding gown. She was adorned with simple but spectacular jewelry and her make-up along with her hair highlighted her natural beauty. Simply put she was the most beautiful woman I had ever seen.

Now would our wedding have been less of a union with God if she was in jeans and t-shirt? Would the day have been less important? No and No. However, would it have been as sacred? as meaningful? as symbolic? No, No and No. The dress and the accesories inhanced the ceremony in my eyes and in God's eyes. There was reverence, importance and symbolism.

I believe this is a good illustration because what is the church? We are the bride of Christ. And every Sunday we should clean ourselves up from being dirtied by the world and go meet with the Bridegroom in a ceremony that is important and significant. Our hearts should be right with God and our clothes should show Him the proper respect He deserves.

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