Tuesday, December 09, 2008

Church and Civil Government

I believe in the separation of Church and state…after all God ordained it. He created three governments. The Family Government, the Church Government and the Civil Government. Each one has responsibilities and duties. The civil should be separate from the church. In other words a pastor should not be the mayor of a township or the governor of a state. However the governments do overlap. Here is an illustration…lets say a math teacher goes to a diner for breakfast. He orders three eggs over-easy. Fifteen minutes later two eggs appear in front of him. He tells the cook…”Hey I ordered three eggs!” The cooks replies…”Do not tell me how to cook!” The math teacher responds with…”I’m not…I telling you how to count.” Their professions overlap. The same is true with the church and politics. When our government leaders meddle in sin we need pastors to stand up and declare God’s law and truth. When babies are slaughtered on a daily basis and marriage is redefined in this nation we need pastors to say…”Knock it off…thus sayeth the Lord!”

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