Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Bethel Prep

Melissa and I are extremely excited for the beginning of Bethel Prep! It is a unique and challenging opportunity. We have already met four times as a staff. We are undergoing training this summer to prepare for the school year. A few interesting things about BP...

  • Our first day will be September 5th. We will have three one week breaks during the school year. One in November(Thanksgiving), one in January, and one in April. We take a week off at the end of each quarter. We also get a week for Christmas.
  • We will begin with about 30 students. Three or four teachers. We currently have three teachers, we might add a fourth if we get enough kindergarteners.
  • We will use the Principle Approach. You can read about it on the website. It is really tough to sum it up in a nutshell. I like it because I believe that it creates to students who love to learn. And it uses proven methods. It is interesting to me because I have taught for 6 years. In those 6 years I have heard so many different ideas and methods on how to teach. But here is my question "Do people learn differently now than they did 10, 100 or 1000 years ago?" In other words, are our brains wired differently now? I do not think so. Now, I am not talking about learning styles(visual, auditory,etc...) I am talking about all of the different methods that have been applied in the last 25 or so years. Everyone is looking for a better way for to teach. But how we learn has never changed. WHAT we learn(content) changes, but not how. Thus, the Principle Approach returns to how people learn best and creates students who love to learn.
  • Because the student loves to learn, he or she takes ownership and is in control.
  • The teacher becomes a "Master" teacher for his or her subject or grade. More of a "professor" than a teacher. I will do this by researching my subject using primary sources, and then developing my own curriculum. Basically writing my own textbook.
  • However, the coolest and best thing...?? I get to talk about GOD!! No more hinting and hoping that my students pick up on the Christian ideas that I try to quietly mention or allude to. I get to teach about the Creator. More on this later.

If you have any questions, email me.

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