Sunday, January 17, 2010

Sleep Is Good!

Hello Everyone!
It's good to be back, and I am hoping that we are able to keep our blog up to date with family news and happenings. I though I would blog about some of the issues we have been having with sleep, as this is what has been causing me some grief recently!

Addison has always been a wonderful sleeper. I credit much of that to our diligence in using the Babywise Method from birth with her. She started sleeping through the night at 4 weeks old and is still very much a routine 12 hour sleeper. Now, her little sister, on the other hand, has not been as easy to "train."

I'm sure that we are much more relaxed with Emerson, which is to be expected I guess. But, I thought I was doing everything right. Well, needless to say, at 8 months, she is STILL not consistently sleeping through the night!!! Anyone who knows me well KNOWS that I NEED my sleep, so this is not a good situation and I am DETERMINED to find the answer to her sleeping woes. I am praying that the book I just ordered helps. It's called "Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child," and it comes highly recommended from a fellow Babywise mom!

This week, we have worked hard on keeping Emerson on a more strict routine of eating/sleeping. We are being diligent about putting her to bed at a consistent time each night and we seem to be making progress. While she is not sleeping all the way through the night just yet, we can see the light at the end of the tunnel!

Addison has had a few rough nights also, but I attribute most of that to us being busy and getting her to bed WAY past her normal 8:00 bedtime. The other night, when Joe checked her before coming to bed, he found her asleep with her pillow on top of her head and the blanket underneath!!! Too funny!
I'll keep you all posted!

Sweet Dreams,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great post. Thanks for doing this and I look forward to us both keeping this up. I was so surprised to find new content today when I checked our blog. =)

Love you,