Friday, March 23, 2007

Gender Day 2007

Yes! It is daddy's little girl!!!

On March 12th we had our 2nd ultrasound. We decided we wanted to know if it was a boy or a girl. We also decided that we wanted to celebrate when we found out.

'We' decide that we would have the ultrasound tech write down the gender and put it in an envelope without revealing it to us. 'We' then decided to go to dinner where we would privately and quietly find out whether we were having a boy or a girl.

Little did Melissa know that my wheels were turning. I decided to surprise her with a Gender Party!! When we arrived at the restaurant there was about a dozen friends and family waiting for us. We ate, fellow shipped and opened THE ENVELOPE!!

It was a great night. We took votes before we opened the envelope. The final wotes were 12 voted girl, 10 votes boy - majority rules!-)

We are very excited as we await the arrival of Addison Grace Canney in July or August

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