Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Who are we accountable to?

Sorry! I have really been trying to post on here once a week, but sometimes, I get too busy and forget...(imagine that)!

So, my friend Meg has got me addicted to several blogs recently and I wanted to share something that I found SO helpful on one of them.

This particular blog is kept by a Stay-At-Home mom of 8 children, all of whom she homeschools classically! BINGO...already a hero in my book! But I digress...

She was finding herself overwhelmed with the daily tasks: cooking, cleaning, teaching, mommying, etc. She was stressed and trying to do WAY too much in WAY too little time. One evening, when she collapsed onto the couch after another hard day's work, her husband very gently reminded her of an important truth:

*You are solely accountable to God and to me!* WOW...isn't that just a freeing statement?!?! Well, for me, it certainly is! Now, don't get me wrong, a mom is certainly responsible for MUCH, but did you catch it...the key word...ACCOUNTABLE?

That statement brought me to a screeching hault and sent me in a frenzy over to my email to begin a note to my husband. In it, I asked him to be completely honest and let me know what his daily expectations of me are. You know...what does he expect me to accomplish in a day's time? What does he need to be finished in order to come home to a pleasant, peaceful aroma?

I have not heard back from him as of yet (well, other than "I'm working on it."), but I'm so excited for what he has to say!

Now, I'm obviously not expecting this to just melt all stress away and by no means am I thinking "well, as long as those expectations are met, I'm home free and can sit down and finish all of those Bon Bons." The daily tasks will still be difficult. But, I will KNOW what my Lord (yes, I called him my Lord...he will appreciate that) is expecting of me and you can be sure, THOSE will be met.

Now, to get alone with my God and know His expectations as well!


1 comment:

Saul said...

Maybe he is working on a really long list?