Friday, July 06, 2007


Baby Showers!!

Steph and Melissa
Melissa and I were very grateful to have two baby showers over the past few weeks. Our first one was on June 10th here in NJ. It was put on by Melissa's long time friend Stephanie Brown, along with her mom, Barb, and step-mom, AnnMarie. There were a lot of family and friends and the amount of gifts was overwhelming. Not to mention the amount of pink! =]

The Ohio Shower - More Pink!!

Our second shower was in Ohio on June 24th. This was hosted by my gracious mom, Bonnie, and sister, Beth. A lot of friends and family from my side were present. The guests included my 2nd and 3rd grade teachers, and real treat for me and for them. With me now being a teacher, I have an idea of how they feel seeing me, knowing how I feel when I see my former students. Of course, none of my former pupils are 30, so I can only connect with them to a small degree. =]

Again, the amount of gifts was overwhelming!!! Melissa and I feel very blessed to have so many friends and family members who are willing to help us out as we prepare for Addison. Melissa has been busy the last few days writing thank yous, but I do not know how we can ever fully express our gratitude...thank you to all of you! Melissa and I truly appreciate all of your help and support!

Miss Manning(3rd grade), Joe, and Mrs. Duff(2nd grade)

Shower Cakes

NJ Cake

Ohio Cake

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